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7 Digital Marketing Campaigns To Focus On In 2019

Pratham Chhabra609 16-Apr-2019

The world of digital marketing is so fast paced. Whether that be for businesses, consumers or people who are socialising on the internet - through desktop devices or mobile.

The platforms we are using, the tools which are available and the insights we can gain from data as a result of being packaged by the people we ‘follow’, the pages we ‘like’, the searches we are making and the lists we are subscribed to.

It may seem complicated, but it is actually quite a simple framework. By attaching ourselves to things digitally, which is keeping a record of this, we become targetable because of what we are interested in and represent. It all leads back to profiling. And without direct intention, we are making ourselves a prospect for certain things, and then wondering how or why I received that. Although you probably explored it further because, guess what, it was relevant.

This is speaking quite broadly, but there is a business logic to it al.

The Following are some of the best and most effective digital marketing campaigns that will work in 2019 for B2B businesses looking to scale their digital marketing presence and online lead generation.

1. Social Media Trends

There is no doubt that social sites remained a great platform for B2B marketing in the recent years. Even experts believe Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other sites will be even more useful for digital marketing campaigns of B2B. Even Facebook now includes ads in its Messenger app and that can also be targeted for the relevant audience.

2. Content Marketing

If the marketers come up with a better and constructive approach for content marketing, they can get the best results even in 2019 for their digital marketing campaigns. Content has always remained a relevant area for marketing when we talk about the digital world. Research studies, reports, visual content and other forms of content will provide some amazing results in the years to come.

3. Influencer Marketing

This is an area where most of the bloggers and marketing experts invest. Even this is useful for small businesses. With the right influencers, you can market your business in a better and more effective way creating emotional attachment and authority.. Though this is an expensive option, but the results are amazing. 2019 will be all about influencer marketing. You can manage the return on investment and it is a case of exploring the profiles who match your brand message and the audience you have in common to find a balance to create a synergy.

4. Conversational Selling

This has remained one of the most effective marketing ways in the past. But people didn’t spend time with this strategy for marketing their business. However, experts believe we will see this to work in 2019. For this, the marketers need big data about customers, their choice, shopping trends and then utilize that data to convert visitors into customers.

5. Word-of-Mouth Marketing

We know most of the buyers from the new generation believe in recommendations, customer reviews and what their friends or relevant people suggest. So the B2B companies can make the best use of word of mouth marketing. This can be done in a number of ways like, promoting user reviews, getting third party reviews for the website and by building healthy relationships with local customers. Such strategies best work when combined with social media.

6. Search Engine Optimization

Every online business now needs SEO. Without SEO, there is zero marketing and advertising of any business. So we will see many new trends when it comes to doing SEO of B2B. SEO is an integral part of digital marketing. This year local SEO, mobile-first indexing, long tail keywords and visual content and videos will make the most impact. These areas should be focused by the digital marketers to get the most out of their SEO strategies.

7. Big Data

A new study revealed that big data will be one of the most promising and fastest growing career opportunities for new marketers in the next few years. This can be a game changer for B22 digital marketing campaigns. But all they need is to know how to use the data and get the best results out of it. Big data is available to millions of people but the majority can’t make the right use of the big data and this is where it matters the most.

The technology available really is powerful and with the speed at which digital is progressing and developing, artificial intelligence having more impact, analytics systems, website visitor tracking, lead forensics alternative and there is the substance to analyse the results of all of your campaigns and even add value to them is a selling approach.

I am one who believes that knowledge is the most powerful tool on this earth and I am always ready to learn new things. Basically, I am an Achiever, not Believer

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